Chat to Lara Bonetto about your future options!
Strategy & Stakeholders

Fifty Plus South Africa will collaborate with entities or people who provide information or services in line with our purpose around our ten topics
Welcome to Refirement Network, the place to find everything you need to plan for the second half of life. At The Refirement Network we believe that modern life affords us many options to traditional retirement that can provide financial reward, intellectual stimulation, flexibility and freedom, emotional fulfilment and overall wellbeing during your mature years.
50 Plus-Skills is an online skills community that provides a platform for individuals, aged fifty plus, to connect with and provide their skills, time and services to business, civil society, academic institutions, NPOs and government.
FutureRisk FutureRisk is a Coaching and Consulting entity focusing on Longevity Risk & Opportunity. Have a look at our web site for engagement options. Kay Darbourn is the Business Owner
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- 15 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure 7th Mar 2020
- 15 Habits That Waste Money That Most People Don’t Realize 25th Feb 2020
- Pilates: 9 Longevity Benefits of This Physical Workout 25th Feb 2020
- How Mah Jong Expanded My Shrinking World 24th Feb 2020