There are both mental and physical habits that can both drain our energy and cause us to age faster. It is no exaggeration to think that how you feel when you’re older is a testament to how you lived when you were younger. One of the remarkable aspects of the human body is its resilience. No matter your age, it is never too late to start making healthier choices – and feel younger!
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Websites, Social Media Pages and other links that
Fifty Plus South Africa has found whilst researching
and working on our increasing longevity.
50 Plus-Skills is an online skills community that provides a platform for individuals, aged fifty plus, to connect with and provide their skills, time and services to business, civil society, academic institutions, NPOs and government. – started by Margaret Manning to help other women over 60 to live happy, healthy and financially secure lives.
Focusing on women over 60, this is an on-line based information portal. USA based but members from all over the world – proactive and supportive posts and videos.
You’ve Earned It/YEI is the website for South African over-60s.
YEI has a comprehensive Discounts and Benefits Directory where seniors, retirees, pensioners and baby boomers can source discounts, savings, special offers and great deals. YEI also features interesting and informative articles geared at this age group.
Next Avenue – News and Information for the 50 plus
Next Avenue is USA based and most of the information is more relevant to first world countries - reviewing some of the ideas and tips is useful for us in South Africa.
Looking for volunteering opportunities in South Africa?
Longevity Risk & Opportunity
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