There's a formula to making a great first impression: Smile, make eye contact, be engaging. But first impressions can also quickly lose their impact, especially when there's no substance beneath the surface glow. Being genuinely likable over the long haul is tougher....
Business Support

How to Overcome the Struggles of Midlife – here are four lessons for changing your mindset about ageing and finding a sense of meaning.
10 Feb, 2020 | Business Support, Science & Technology, Wealth
The Oxford English Dictionary defines middle age as 45-65, but midlife crises are affecting more people outside of that age range—both younger and older. In Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, or any company that is trying to compete in the digital economy,...
5 Lessons Most People Learn Way Too Late in Life
10 Feb, 2020 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Social & Recreation, Strategy & Stakeholders
One of the worst things you can do for self-development is comparing yourself to other people. It's easy to get caught up in jealousy and wanting what other people have. Especially with the way we interact with social media. You have to remember that people tend to...
5 Reasons Women Over 50 Should Start Something Big And New
5 Feb, 2020 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Strategy & Stakeholders, Wealth
"I have realized that when a single, simple ingredient is added to the recipe for dreams at our age, they rise like perfect biscuits: PERMISSION. That’s right. You have to give yourself permission. You have to ditch the story that’s holding you back, see what that new...
How to get better at growing older in 2020 and beyond…
31 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Personal Health, Strategy & Stakeholders
"This stage of life is like a patchwork quilt. It is not linear work typically, as one’s primary career probably was. You might do something for a few years, then switch to something else, or you might do a few things, or jobs, at the same time. There are no rules."...
Don’t have regrets… plan your future now!
27 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Home Support, Information, Personal Health, Physical Location, Science & Technology, Social & Recreation, Strategy & Stakeholders, Wealth If you want to live a life you won’t regret in 10 years, it all starts with what you’re willing to do to make sure that doesn’t happen. You hold the key already, but it’s up to you to find the door....
Broaching the Subject of Hearing Loss – 6 ideas for bringing up an often touchy subject…
21 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Home Support, Personal Health, Science & Technology, Social & Recreation Compared to the past, today’s hearing aids are much more adjustable, do a better job of suppressing background noise and often come equipped with Bluetooth, which lets you take phone calls (with microphones on the hearing...
Social Media – Linked-in suggestions to improve your interaction…
12 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Social & Recreation
LinkedIn is a fantastic place to uncover potential new opportunities for your business, but only if you go about it the right way. If not, potential peers will avoid you like the plague.
17 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires Who Retired Early
10 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Information, Physical Location, Strategy & Stakeholders, Wealth
"Early retirees take a glass half full approach to most things, from making life-altering decisions about work to picking the right wine to sip on during dinner — and everything in-between," Adcock wrote. "They expect things to go well, and as we know from the...
4 behaviours that push people away and how to reverse them…
1 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Home Support, Social & Recreation
"We all manifest one or more behaviours that push people away at least once, if not more, in life. It’s human nature and nothing anyone has to be ashamed about. The mere recognition that you’ve possessed one or more of these traits is a good step towards eliminating...
Get off the SOMEDAY island
5 Nov, 2019 | Business Support
Continually making excuses? There are plenty of differences between high achievers and everyone else, but I think there is one that really solidifies the gap between the two. That one difference is that high achievers don’t live on the “Someday Island.” They are...
Some body language ideas to master!
4 Nov, 2019 | Business Support, Home Support
It’s fascinating to watch people and how they behave in various situations – as a Coach I have some knowledge on the topic and I do admit to being a “people watcher” when I am out and about – have a read… Full article available on Ideapod Read More
Time to stop complaining?
4 Nov, 2019 | Articles, Business Support
So much of what I am hearing is about “being positive” and I agree with the concept… Some of us spend so much time complaining it gets exhausting for ourselves and the people we complain to – so, is it time to stop complaining? Full article available on Sixty and Me...
10 Questions To Help You Discover a Second-Act Career
4 Nov, 2019 | Articles, Business Support
MANY RETIREES ARE EAGER to find a fulfilling and flexible second-act career. After decades of working in the same field, lots of people dream of pursuing something new in retirement. It's no wonder that most of us find reinvention stories about the...
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- 15 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure 7th Mar 2020
- 15 Habits That Waste Money That Most People Don’t Realize 25th Feb 2020
- Pilates: 9 Longevity Benefits of This Physical Workout 25th Feb 2020
- How Mah Jong Expanded My Shrinking World 24th Feb 2020