We fear most what we understand least, so empower yourself by learning everything you can about how your illness will affect you. Ask your doctor(s) what physical, mental and/or emotional changes you should expect as your disease progresses. Search online or at a...
Home Support

Life Can Be Boring Sometimes. But Here Are Some Tricks to Make It More Interesting
4 Jan, 2020 | Continuous Learning, Home Support, Social & Recreation, Strategy & Stakeholders
http://www.lifehack.org/587436/tricks-eliminate-boredom-daily-life? The key seems to be attention and awareness. Studies suggest we get bored when we have difficulty paying attention. Often times we then blame external forces and reason that the task we’ve been...
Don’t have regrets… plan your future now!
27 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Home Support, Information, Personal Health, Physical Location, Science & Technology, Social & Recreation, Strategy & Stakeholders, Wealth
https://www.powerofpositivity.com/10-regrets-dont-want-10-years/? If you want to live a life you won’t regret in 10 years, it all starts with what you’re willing to do to make sure that doesn’t happen. You hold the key already, but it’s up to you to find the door....
Broaching the Subject of Hearing Loss – 6 ideas for bringing up an often touchy subject…
21 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Home Support, Personal Health, Science & Technology, Social & Recreation
https://www.nextavenue.org/talk-hearing-loss/? Compared to the past, today’s hearing aids are much more adjustable, do a better job of suppressing background noise and often come equipped with Bluetooth, which lets you take phone calls (with microphones on the hearing...
4 behaviours that push people away and how to reverse them…
1 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Home Support, Social & Recreation
"We all manifest one or more behaviours that push people away at least once, if not more, in life. It’s human nature and nothing anyone has to be ashamed about. The mere recognition that you’ve possessed one or more of these traits is a good step towards eliminating...
Want to live longer? Surround yourself with plants…
28 Nov, 2019 | Home Support, Personal Health, Physical Location
Some body language ideas to master!
4 Nov, 2019 | Business Support, Home Support
It’s fascinating to watch people and how they behave in various situations – as a Coach I have some knowledge on the topic and I do admit to being a “people watcher” when I am out and about – have a read… Full article available on Ideapod Read More
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- Pilates: 9 Longevity Benefits of This Physical Workout 25th Feb 2020
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