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Don’t have regrets… plan your future now!

Don’t have regrets… plan your future now!

https://www.powerofpositivity.com/10-regrets-dont-want-10-years/? If you want to live a life you won’t regret in 10 years, it all starts with what you’re willing to do to make sure that doesn’t happen. You hold the key already, but it’s up to you to find the door....

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Broaching the Subject of Hearing Loss – 6 ideas for bringing up an often touchy subject…

Broaching the Subject of Hearing Loss – 6 ideas for bringing up an often touchy subject…

https://www.nextavenue.org/talk-hearing-loss/? Compared to the past, today’s hearing aids are much more adjustable, do a better job of suppressing background noise and often come equipped with Bluetooth, which lets you take phone calls (with microphones on the hearing...

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