With the free time that you have on your hands, you may find yourself frustrated with the fine lines on your skin. However, it’s important to not let this affect you to the point where you begin to follow myths that may cause more harm than good. Instead, do your...

A Rite of Passage from Hero to Elder
16 Feb, 2020 | Continuous Learning, Information, Personal Health, Social & Recreation
As millions of Baby Boomers choose not to merely grow old but to grow whole, to intentionally step across a threshold and become an Elder, we discover that aging can be a spiritual path. Its foundation is described in every spiritual tradition as ego transcendence, a...
10 Practical Tasks to Help You Deal With a Terminal Illness
10 Feb, 2020 | Continuous Learning, Home Support, Information, Personal Health, Science & Technology, Strategy & Stakeholders
We fear most what we understand least, so empower yourself by learning everything you can about how your illness will affect you. Ask your doctor(s) what physical, mental and/or emotional changes you should expect as your disease progresses. Search online or at a...
Realistically, How Much Water Do We Need To Drink For Longevity?
31 Jan, 2020 | Continuous Learning, Information, Personal Health
Take into consideration the fact that many other things you ingest can contribute to your level of hydration. Realistically, all fluids count toward your daily intake, not just plain old water. You can count all kinds of water sources from a basic glass of water, to a...
Don’t have regrets… plan your future now!
27 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Home Support, Information, Personal Health, Physical Location, Science & Technology, Social & Recreation, Strategy & Stakeholders, Wealth
https://www.powerofpositivity.com/10-regrets-dont-want-10-years/? If you want to live a life you won’t regret in 10 years, it all starts with what you’re willing to do to make sure that doesn’t happen. You hold the key already, but it’s up to you to find the door....
17 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires Who Retired Early
10 Dec, 2019 | Business Support, Continuous Learning, Information, Physical Location, Strategy & Stakeholders, Wealth
"Early retirees take a glass half full approach to most things, from making life-altering decisions about work to picking the right wine to sip on during dinner — and everything in-between," Adcock wrote. "They expect things to go well, and as we know from the...
Gardening could be the hobby that helps you live to 100…
5 Dec, 2019 | Continuous Learning, Information, Personal Health, Physical Location, Social & Recreation, Strategy & Stakeholders
https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20181210-gardening-could-be-the-hobby-that-helps-you-live-to-100? People living in these so-called “blue zones” have certain factors in common – social support networks, daily exercise habits and a plant-based diet, for starters....
The 5 stages of Alzheimers
26 Nov, 2019 | Information, Personal Health
Tips for visiting someone with dementia
5 Nov, 2019 | Information, Personal Health
Avoid common pitfalls and make the most of your time together “Mom, remember I mentioned that a few minutes ago?” I asked. “We just spoke about when I was coming to see you.” It was a rookie mistake. Years ago, when my sharp mom started experiencing cognitive decline,...
Your digital legacy…
5 Nov, 2019 | Information
Between Facebook, iTunes, email and digital banking and investment accounts, most of us lead pretty active lives online. Do you have a plan for what will happen to all your passwords and accounts when you pass away? Full article available on Kiplinger Read...
The 5 Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
5 Nov, 2019 | Information, Personal Health
For those that have to deal with it, Alzheimer’s disease is a terrifying thing. There is nothing more heart wrenching than to see your loved one slowly waste away into a shadow of themselves. But what exactly is this disease? How does it strip a person of their mind,...
- Anti-Aging Myths: Busting The 12 Biggest Skincare Scams 12th May 2020
- 15 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure 7th Mar 2020
- 15 Habits That Waste Money That Most People Don’t Realize 25th Feb 2020
- Pilates: 9 Longevity Benefits of This Physical Workout 25th Feb 2020
- How Mah Jong Expanded My Shrinking World 24th Feb 2020